Women Centred Yoga
Create more time for you
Winchester, Hampshire

Mum & Baby/Child Yoga
A post-natal yoga class with a difference
Can you no longer attend your normal mum & baby yoga class now baby is on the move?
Did you miss out on mum & baby yoga with your second (third, fourth or more) because you have older sibling in tow?
Babies, toddlers & preschoolers are more than welcome at this Mum & Baby/Child class. The hall is filled with toys and activities, and we have access to a private soft play and ball pit for the last 15 minutes of the class!
The Postnatal Yoga, which includes breathwork and postures that gently engage and rebuild the core. We also release tension from common areas that come under stress during motherhood - shoulders, upper back, lower back & hips.
We slowly progress over the course to leave you feeling grounded, embodied and more like you again!
So come and get your postnatal yoga fix, while your child/ren are safe and entertained.